1. Green Day - American Idiot
2. Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Don't Care/Dearly Beloved/Tales of Another Broken Home
3. Green Day - Holiday
4. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
5. Green Day - Are We the Waiting
6. Green Day - St. Jimmy
7. Green Day - Give Me Novacaine
8. Green Day - She's a Rebel
9. Green Day - Extraordinary Girl
10. Green Day - Letterbomb
11. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
12. Green Day - Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy/East 12th St/Nobody Likes You/Rock and Roll Girlfriend/We're Coming Home Again
13. Green Day - Whatsername
Tracklist 2
1. Green Day - American Idiot
2. Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Don't Care/Dearly Beloved/Tales of Another Broken Home
3. Green Day - Holiday
4. Green Day - Are We the Waiting
5. Green Day - St. Jimmy
6. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
7. Green Day - Favorite Son
8. Green Day - Shoplifter
9. Green Day - Governator
10. Green Day - Too Much Too Soon
11. Green Day - Are We the Waiting (VH1 Storytellers)
12. Green Day - St. Jimmy (VH1 Storytellers)
13. Green Day - Give Me Novocaine (VH1 Storytellers)
14. Green Day - Homecoming (VH1 Storyteller)
Tracklist 3
1. Green Day - American Idiot (Demo)
2. Green Day - American Idiot (Alt. Version)
3. Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia (Demo)
4. Green Day - Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Demo)
5. Green Day - Are We We Are/St. Jimmy Opera (Demo)
6. Green Day - Novacaine (Demo)
7. Green Day - She's a Rebel (Demo)
8. Green Day - Radio Baghdad (Demo)
9. Green Day - Cluster Bomb (Demo)
10. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (Demo)
11. Green Day - Homecoming (Nobody Likes You) [demo]
12. Green Day - Everyone's Breaking Down (Demo)
13. Green Day - Just Another Year (Demo)
14. Green Day - Lowlife (Demo)
15. Green Day - What's Her Name (Demo)
Tracklist 4
1. Green Day - American Idiot (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
2. Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Don't Care/Dearly Beloved/Tales of Another Broken Home (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
3. Green Day - Holiday (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
4. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
5. Green Day - Are We the Waiting (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
6. Green Day - St. Jimmy (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
7. Green Day - Give Me Novocaine (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
8. Green Day - She's a Rebel (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
9. Green Day - Extraordinary Girl (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
10. Green Day - Letterbomb (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
11. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
12. Green Day - Homecoming (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
13. Green Day - Whatsername (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
14. Green Day - Minority (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
15. Green Day - We Are the Champions (Live at Irving Plaza, New York City)
Tracklist 5
1. Green Day - Heart Like a Hand Grenade (Documentary)
Tracklist 6
1. Green Day - 20 Years of 'American Idiot' (New Documentary)
2. Green Day - St. Jimmy (BBC Live)
3. Green Day - Give Me Novacaine (BBC Live)
4. Green Day - She's a Rebel (BBC Live)
5. Green Day - Welcome to Paradise (BBC Live)
6. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (BBC Live)
7. Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia (BBC Live)
8. Green Day - American Idiot (BBC Live in Studio)
9. Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams (BBC Live in Studio)
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